yup this is history for my life i think...
iam fighting for the final year exam, n ayah is now fighting in the operation theater for his 'batu karang' again..yup hope evrything baik2 saje insyaALLAH...
Friday, January 13, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
the final
then it comes towards the end of my student life.*i hope it will not be the end of my LEARNING since Nabi Muhammad said menuntut ilmu smpai ke negeri China*
awl2 sem dh jatuh kedebuk sakit telinga then sakit mate then kwn2 sakit jgk..aduhhhh wat the Dugaan...but we smoothly faced ol dis dgn izin ALLAH, parent's pray n smgt kwn2 sume..
yup yup yup this was the very very very tough semester n lecturer expectation to us was the very high ok..and also wif me kne jgk alang2 mnyeluk pekasam kene make sure grad on time!aminnn insyaALLAH.. *sbnrnye xlarat nk blja lagi da makk oii*
the project paper done!presentation done!classes done xpnah ponteng! the carry mark haa not bad kot! n nowww the final EXAM !
hari ini baru lps 1 paper and another 5 to go...ok study week kne cirit birit tahap gaban yg da brthun aku xrse..tah pape je kan aku...
then, SEMUA paper adlh THEORY ok! THEORY THEORY n THEORY, and aku xpenah menangis di mlm exam dgn begitu teruk kt tikar smbahyang sbb sgt stress..iyup malin stress! esoknye tau2 henpon masok mesin basuh...mngkin Allah nk pesan kt aku jgn trlalu leka kot, mcm yg mak aku pesan jgn leka dgn kejadah gadget tu sgt laa...skrng aku phm...sedih sgt n i need strength from people near me....yez !
doakan kejayaan saya dn kwn2 n tabah habeskn semester ni n lulus sume paper n grad on time! aminn... tujuan dn niat utk brjya adlh semata2 krana ALLAH TAALA dan berbakti sebaik mngkin utk keluarga dn masyarakat... =)
mood:mahu kawen cpt sprti teman2 lain dn suami yg taat ALLAH, pndai jge pandangan dn brtnggungjwb...peace!
awl2 sem dh jatuh kedebuk sakit telinga then sakit mate then kwn2 sakit jgk..aduhhhh wat the Dugaan...but we smoothly faced ol dis dgn izin ALLAH, parent's pray n smgt kwn2 sume..
yup yup yup this was the very very very tough semester n lecturer expectation to us was the very high ok..and also wif me kne jgk alang2 mnyeluk pekasam kene make sure grad on time!aminnn insyaALLAH.. *sbnrnye xlarat nk blja lagi da makk oii*
the project paper done!presentation done!classes done xpnah ponteng! the carry mark haa not bad kot! n nowww the final EXAM !
hari ini baru lps 1 paper and another 5 to go...ok study week kne cirit birit tahap gaban yg da brthun aku xrse..tah pape je kan aku...
then, SEMUA paper adlh THEORY ok! THEORY THEORY n THEORY, and aku xpenah menangis di mlm exam dgn begitu teruk kt tikar smbahyang sbb sgt stress..iyup malin stress! esoknye tau2 henpon masok mesin basuh...mngkin Allah nk pesan kt aku jgn trlalu leka kot, mcm yg mak aku pesan jgn leka dgn kejadah gadget tu sgt laa...skrng aku phm...sedih sgt n i need strength from people near me....yez !
doakan kejayaan saya dn kwn2 n tabah habeskn semester ni n lulus sume paper n grad on time! aminn... tujuan dn niat utk brjya adlh semata2 krana ALLAH TAALA dan berbakti sebaik mngkin utk keluarga dn masyarakat... =)
mood:mahu kawen cpt sprti teman2 lain dn suami yg taat ALLAH, pndai jge pandangan dn brtnggungjwb...peace!
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